Shoe Build Up
Brand name shoes with sculpted Cork to build shoes up
These shoes were built up on one shoe per pair for a lovely woman named Kathy George. She has a bone disease that has left one leg shorter than the other. I was asked to make her some shoes that were stylish yet functional. Kathy was in her 50's at the time and she had never had anything made for her that weren't just layers of foam glued together, nothing stylish at all. I hope to make many more pairs for her in the future.
These shoes were built up on one shoe per pair for a lovely woman named Kathy George. She has a bone disease that has left one leg shorter than the other. I was asked to make her some shoes that were stylish yet functional. Kathy was in her 50's at the time and she had never had anything made for her that weren't just layers of foam glued together, nothing stylish at all. I hope to make many more pairs for her in the future.